


Lending Intelligence for Lenders

Achieve Smarter Lending with Cutting-Edge Data Intelligence

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1. Identify Your Ideal Clients

DataGardener's database helps lenders target high-potential prospects with detailed profiles and credit risk assessments, optimising commercial lending opportunities.

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2. Predict Risk to Improve Lending

Use DataGardener's algorithms and UK charge data to generate risk scores and spot red flags early. Evaluate clients' credit risk and financial stability, tailoring risk criteria to your policies for safer lending decisions.

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4. Stay Ahead of Your Competitors

Monitor trends, analyse competitor strategies, and adapt with real-time insights. Use competitor analysis to identify service gaps and position your offerings effectively.

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3. Make Data-Driven Lending Decisions

Leverage DataGardener's dynamic monitoring tools, real-time insights, and comprehensive credit reports. Make confident lending choices based on solid evidence, aligning your strategy with the best opportunities.

Benefits of Lending Intelligence Tool

DataGardener's Lending Intelligence Features

Charges Person Entitled-01

Charges Person Entitled

Identify individuals or entities entitled to charges on a company’s assets, ensuring you know who holds financial control for accurate lending decisions.

Charge Created Year Month-01

Charge Created Year/Month

Track charges created within specific time frames to stay informed about recent financial activities impacting a company’s stability.

Charge Status-01

Charge Status

Check the current status of charges to assess a company’s financial obligations and creditworthiness accurately.