


Diversity Index - Gender

Last Updated – 10 June 2024                    Next Update – 10 July 2024

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Active Companies


Female-Owned Businesses


Male-Owned Businesses


The data highlights economic activity across sectors. Wholesale and Retail Trade leads at 15.6%, followed closely by Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities at 15.46%. Other significant sectors include Administrative and Support Service Activities at 10.8%, Human Health and Social Work Activities at 9.28%, and Other Service Activities at 8.37%. Overall, it shows the diverse contributions of different industries to the economy.

The data outlines economic activity across sectors. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles lead at 15.22%, followed closely by Construction at 14.93%. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities contribute 12.98%, while Information and Communication account for 9.79%. Administrative and Support Service Activities represent 8.54%. Overall, the data highlights the diverse sectors driving economic growth.

* The Percentages & Counts may not add up due to a company being able to trade under multiple SIC Codes.

Female-Owned Businesses Male-Owned Businesses
SIC Code SIC Industry Count Percentage Count Percentage
A Agriculture Forestry And Fishing 5,181 0.67% 18,974 0.83%
B Mining And Quarrying 608 0.08% 3,796 0.17%
C Manufacturing 26,249 3.40% 108,129 4.72%
D Electricity Gas Steam And Air Conditioning Supply 560 0.07% 5,638 0.25%
E Water Supply, Sewerage Waste Management And Remediation Activities 1,207 0.16% 8,897 0.39%
F Construction 28,946 3.75% 341,744 14.93%
G Wholesale And Retail Trade; Repair Of Motor Vehicles And Motorcycles 120,296 15.60% 348,390 15.22%
H Transportation And Storage 17,203 2.23% 95,298 4.16%
I Accommodation And Food Service Activities 46,190 5.99% 112,820 4.93%
J Information And Communication 46,835 6.07% 224,045 9.79%
K Financial And Insurance Activities 15,081 1.96% 78,576 3.43%
L Real Estate Activities 63,969 8.30% 194,064 8.48%
M Professional Scientific And Technical Activities 119,208 15.46% 297,128 12.98%
N Administrative And Support Service Activities 83,248 10.80% 195,544 8.54%
O Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security 2,806 0.36% 4,039 0.18%
P Education 24,225 3.14% 28,564 1.25%
Q Human Health And Social Work Activities 71,544 9.28% 56,208 2.46%
R Arts Entertainment And Recreation 23,216 3.01% 53,085 2.32%
S Other Service Activities 64,531 8.37% 93,932 4.10%
T Activities Of Households As Employers; Undifferentiated Goods- And Services-producing Activities Of Households For Own Use 9,529 1.24% 18,400 0.80%
U Activities Of Extraterritorial Organisations And Bodies 86 0.01% 284 0.01%

The data highlights regional disparities in the UK. London dominates with 28.7%, followed by the South East at 13.4%. Conversely, Northern Ireland, Wales, and the North East have lower percentages, ranging from 1.42% to 2.05%. The West Midlands and the North West stand out with 8.44% and 9.78%, respectively. Overall, this reflects diverse population distribution and economic activity across regions.

The data shows population distribution across UK regions. London leads with 26.53%, followed by the South East at 13.16%. The North West and East of England also have significant percentages at 10.29% and 9.48%, respectively. Conversely, regions like Northern Ireland, Wales, and the North East have lower percentages. Overall, it reflects diverse population distribution across the UK.

Region Female-Owned Businesses Male-Owned Businesses
Count Percentage Count Percentage
London 221,320 28.70% 607,207 26.53%
North West 75,378 9.78% 235,431 10.29%
South East 103,304 13.40% 301,110 13.16%
West Midlands 65,075 8.44% 182,862 7.99%
East of England 70,241 9.11% 217,058 9.48%
Yorkshire and The Humber 44,562 5.78% 143,924 6.29%
East Midlands 41,784 5.42% 128,005 5.59%
Scotland 35,032 4.54% 113,224 4.95%
South West 48,863 6.34% 148,943 6.51%
North East 15,828 2.05% 55,070 2.41%
Wales 15,702 2.04% 52,253 2.28%
Northern Ireland 10,983 1.42% 36,928 1.61%

The data displays risk band distribution, with Moderate Risk being the most prevalent at 34.81%. Very Low Risk and Low Risk follow closely behind at 24.48% and 21.52%, respectively. Very High Risk constitutes 18.11%, while High Risk is the smallest at 1.01%. Overall, it highlights a diverse spectrum of risk levels.

The data presents risk levels categorized into five bands. Moderate Risk is the most prevalent at 32.23%, followed by Very High Risk at 20.68%. Low Risk and Very Low Risk are also significant, at 24.53% and 21.13% respectively, while High Risk constitutes a smaller proportion at 1.36%. Overall, it showcases a diverse distribution of risk levels.

Risk Band Female-Owned Businesses Male-Owned Businesses
Count Percentage Count Percentage
Very Low Risk 188,719 24.48% 483,636 21.13%
Low Risk 165,933 21.52% 561,374 24.53%
Moderate Risk 268,416 34.81% 737,743 32.23%
High Risk 7,753 1.01% 31,200 1.36%
Very High Risk / Not Scored 139,669 18.11% 473,243 20.68%

The data shows the distribution of companies across various turnover ranges. The majority, at 83.42%, fall within the 1 to 500k turnover range, indicating a prevalence of small-sized businesses. Mid-sized enterprises, represented by turnover ranges of 1M to 5M and 500K to 1M, account for 7.6% and 7.78% respectively. Larger companies are less common, with only 0.02% falling into the range of 100M to 500M. Overall, the data underscores the predominance of small to mid-sized businesses within the dataset.

The data illustrates the distribution of companies across various turnover ranges. The majority, at 75.56%, fall within the 1 to 500K turnover range, indicating a dominance of small-sized businesses. Mid-sized enterprises, in ranges of 1M to 5M and 500K to 1M, account for 11.54% and 10.24% respectively. Larger companies are less common, with turnover ranges of 5M to 10M and 10M to 100M constituting 1.43% and 1.22% respectively. Companies with turnovers exceeding 100M are rare, comprising less than 0.1% of the dataset. Overall, the data emphasises the prevalence of small to mid-sized businesses.

Turnover Range Female-Owned Businesses Male-Owned Businesses
Number of Companies Percentage Number of Companies Percentage
1 to 500K 291,522 83.42% 858,764 24.8%
500K to 1M 27,195 7.78% 111,553 3.2%
1M to 5M 26,567 7.6% 126,822 3.7%
5M to 10M 2,603 0.74% 15,900 0.5%
10M to 100M 1,826 0.52% 13,630 0.4%
100M to 500M 62 0.02% 577 0%
Greater Than 1B 0 0% 3 0%

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