


Important Message : If you have recently been contacted on Telegram, WhatsApp or your personal number by a company claiming to have bought your personal information from us, please be aware that DataGardener is not the source and we have informed the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about these companies. DataGardener provides business to business information not personal information. Any approach by a company in this way should be treated with caution.

UK Business Information Provider

Helping you Accelerate Business Growth with Data-Driven Insights

The new age of business intelligence software is here.

Our Solutions

What is DataGardener?

DataGardener is a business intelligence platform which provides data intelligence on financial information, property ownership, credit information, contact information, international trade and other areas of business on all the companies in the UK for better prospecting of your clients to reduce the risks in dealing with them and also easier networking with future prospects.

What is DataGardener?

DataGardener is a business intelligence platform which provides data intelligence on financial information, property ownership, credit information, contact information, international trade and other areas of business on all the companies in the UK for better prospecting of your clients to reduce the risks in dealing with them and also easier networking with future prospects.

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Number of Companies​
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Number of Companies Added Monthly
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Data Points
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Number of Emails
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Phone Numbers

Awards and Accreditations

Our Products

Access DataGardener from anywhere at anytime. Download our App today!

Unlock new capabilities with our simple extension. Download our Chrome Extension today!

Case Studies

Learn how businesses have used our platform to optimise their business processes and reduce operation costs with our case studies.

Industries We Help

We have helped businesses in diverse industries harness the power of data but we are not limited to these industries, we are ready to help yours too.



Foreign Exchange

Financial Services

IT Industry


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Let Us Show You How It’s Done

Book a remote demo with us and learn how our software can help you grow and develop your business by generating leads, as well as analysing correct and accurate director and company information.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Our data is sourced from a variety of sources including Governmental Sources as well as one of the most trusted sources of financial information in Europe. We are trusted by Banks, Financial Service providers, FinTechs, Multinationals, Auditors, Accountants as well as Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigators.

The data we hold is all publicly available so one thing you could do is use Companies House. Since every company in the United Kingdom is required by law to file here you can rely on this data as it’s a matter of public record.

However, Companies House whilst being the source of some of the data – is not the most user friendly – even though they have made massive advances on this in recent years.

Searching for companies individually is easy, so getting information on one company is easy, however once you start doing this for multiple companies, you will soon realise the limitations. Also, in terms of user experience it leaves a lot to be desired, that is why our customers love us.

We only provide information on companies in the United Kingdom.

Our credit reports are provided by a third party credit referencing agency that undertakes a ‘soft’ search and doesn’t impact credit ratings.

The very fact that a company has been incorporated at Companies House means that we will hold data on them. To be clear this information is already in the public domain as a matter of public record.

In respect of funding, as a matter of public record, companies file publicly available documents that we have access to showing shareholder information.

In respect of Start Ups – if a company is formed then we have that information since it’s a matter of public record.

If you have recently been contacted on Telegram, WhatsApp or your personal number by a company claiming to have bought your personal information from us, please be aware that DataGardener is not the source and we have informed the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about these companies. DataGardener provides business to business information not personal information. Any approach by a company in this way should be treated with caution.