Our client is Unilever, UK, a leading consumer goods company.
Allica Bank, an award-winning UK SME banking provider, empowers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through tailored expertise.
A UK healthcare charity dedicated to providing essential services through fundraising efforts.
A government organisation with a network of over 5000+ suppliers.
Our client is a leading FMCG Company in the UK.
Our client is a fully-licensed bank based in the UK who specialises in providing financial support to SMEs.
Our client is a community platform which provides opportunities to SMEs to network within their organization and expand their business.
A diversity advocacy organisation looking to find businesses in the UK that are owned by individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds to build their database.
A sports retail chain organisation looking to expand their operations in the UK by looking for dealers and distributors operating in their desired locations.
A leading banking service in the UK who wanted to kick off their supplier diversity program by finding suppliers who met their criteria for eligibility for the program.
A foreign exchange company who was spending twice their budget for prospecting new clients. Using the platform they were able to substantially cut down the prospecting spend.
A supply chain finance company that provides a working capital solution to buyers at the head of a supply chain who want to ensure that their suppliers have the option to be paid immediately upon invoice approval.