


Case Study

"Reducing Customer Onboarding Time by 50%"

Our Client

Supply chain finance company who provides a working capital solution to buyers at the head of a supply chain who want to ensure that their suppliers have the option to be paid immediately upon invoice approval

The Challenge

The client was consuming a lot of extra hours for their customer onboarding process which needed to be manually done for each of their customer. Another challenge was that for each of the invoices the client needed to do background compliance check for the company involved which was a long process.

The Solution

We set up a system for the client where the customer onboarding process was done by automating some of the processes. The system ensured that the client could be onboarded a customer by filing minimal detail each time. The client was able to easily assess the compliance regulation of a company by using our risk assessment feature and credit reports.

The Results

The client was able to save nearly 100 man hours every month and use these hours for more productive processes for the company. Improved the data storing for the company for easy information retrieval and storage.