Case Study
"One Stop Solution for Multiple Business Needs"
Our Client
Our client is a community platform which provides opportunities to SMEs to network within their organisation and expand their business. They also setup shows and expos for their customers to showcase their business model
The Challenge
Wanted to create a franchise model. They wanted to include more SMEs in their organisation who have been operating for more than 3 years, companies who have more than a certain number of employees and also companies who have been growing at least 20% every year.
The Solution
Using the DataGardener platform’s filtering system the client was able to find companies that fall under the SME category. The client was then able to export a list of clients out of the SME database that matched their criteria.
The Results
The client would have needed to contact multiple organisations to get the niche customer list they were looking for. DataGardener was able to provide a one stop solution for their business needs ensuring a higher rate of conversion for the client with the number of ideal customers they were onboarding into their organisation.