




Streamline your workflows with our powelful API integration

DataGardener enables you to access millions of UK business data sets within the Leasepath platform instantly and efficiently

Financial and Company Data at your fingertips. Using our established API integration, you can connect Leasepath with our data sets to streamline client onboarding, compliance, due diligence and monitoring to make internal processes more efficient and cost-effective.

Turn data into opportunity

Direct API Integration

We have tested and established our API integration with Leasepath, currently providing a number of users with advanced search capabilities and access to detailed information on millions of UK businesses.

Deep business intelligence

Deep Business Intelligence

Access the UK’s most comprehensive business data from 23 public and private sources, including Companies House, international trade data, land registry, company directors and more!

Accelerate Growth

Reduce Costs and Accelerate Due Diligence

Save time and money by providing your teams with easy access to integrated data through a single solution that will make their life easier and allow them to spend more time building profitable relationships.

Leasepath Logo

Leasepath is the Intelligent Workplace solution for Customer Engagement (CRM) and Origination (LOS) built exclusively for the asset finance industry; serving Banks, Independent Finance, Captive Finance and Brokers in North America and the United Kingdom.

Leasepath’s SaaS solution leverages the Microsoft Power Platform to provide a proven, quick to implement, cloud-first solution with pre-built automation, pricing tools, amortization calculators, asset management, and integrations with credit bureaus and other mission critical applications.

Leasepath is the preferred choice to equipment finance businesses to win more, risk less, and profit more. Learn more about Leasepath by visiting https://www.leasepath.com. To learn more about how Team Leasepath is growing in 2022, read our blog on our “We Grow” initiative.

Have you read the DataGardener – Allica Bank case study?

In this case study, you will find out how award-winning UK SME banking provider Allica Bank used our business intelligence platform to access DataGardener company data via API integration, while successfully complementing their strategy when building their new local relationship management channel and more!