Our society is a breeding ground for innovation. In normal circumstances, this innovation comes in routinely and methodically, but in times of crisis, the demand for innovation and adaptation is accelerated. This is exactly what we’ve seen in place of the pandemic in the form of pharmaceuticals, biotech and even online retail. However, the pandemic has also forced many businesses that could not adapt to close their doors permanently. Although this resulted in a tragic loss of jobs and financial security for thousands, there is a small silver lining on the horizon. The collapse of many of these companies has created huge gaps in the post-pandemic market, and with the end of lockdown in sight for the UK, this will result in new company formations looking to fill those gaps left behind.

Benefit of New Company Formations to B2B Companies

In the last year alone, under 785,000 company formations took place during the pandemic in the UK, with this number set to rise over the coming years. This is fantastic news for B2B companies, especially as new company formations mean many more opportunities to snag potential clients. This uptick could be the key to post-pandemic salvation for any businesses looking to provide B2B services or products.

However, now that there are hundreds of thousands of new company formations, how can businesses decide which companies would be viable to do business with and which would be a waste of time and resources to pursue? Or, on the other hand, how can these newer small businesses find potential clients to offer their services or products to? Well, the solution to this problem could reside with the DataGardener database.

DataGardener provides businesses with access to a database containing information on every UK company. This information can range from the all-important financial data to each business’s interactions with other companies. You can even find data on shareholding information or the track record of a CEO of interest. Despite this, DataGardener’s crowning achievement isn’t its breadth of information but the tools provided to help you deal with it. Evaluating the B2B potential of thousands of companies is daunting, but DataGardener makes this process as painless as possible. You can filter search results by countless parameters, meaning you’ll never have to waste your time looking at companies that just don’t fit the conditions you’re looking for.

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